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Music Ed Summer Symposium

July 29 – August 2, 2024Attend online or in person

North Dakota State University

加入乐虎电子音乐教育学院,地区音乐专家和嘉宾 Dr. Deb Confredo and Dr. David Frego 这是一个独特的研讨会,旨在发展有效的音乐乐虎电子. 这次活动提供了一个独特的机会,参加成功教学策略的会议,并获得宝贵的资源.

Why attend the symposium?

  • 获得三个小时的学分,以获得NDSU音乐教育硕士学位.
  • 为那些有兴趣丰富教学的人获得继续教育学分.
  • Choose separate sessions for instrumental, choral, and elementary music.
  • Work with nationally recognized master teachers.
  • 根据你的需要定制课程,包括一个、两个或所有课程的材料.
  • Re-kindle your passion for teaching as you prepare for the new school year.

Guest Faculty

Dr. Deborah Confredo, a 44-year veteran music educator, 是坦普尔大学(费城)音乐教育教授和在线音乐教育硕士主任, PA). 她是邓波儿夜猫子校园/社区乐队的创始人,该乐队发起了邓波儿的社区音乐表演推广计划,并曾担任费城全城市高中乐队的指挥. 康弗雷多是全国音乐教育协会主席,也是NAfME音乐教师职业倡议(MTPI)的前任主席。.

While a professor for Temple University, Dr. Confredo居住在路易斯安那州,她是路易斯安那州音乐教育家协会的活跃成员,在LMEA多元化委员会工作, Equity, and Inclusion, the Professional Development Committee, the Louisiana Music Adjudicators Association, and as contributor to the LMEA 12-for-12 webinar series. 孔弗雷多是室内乐团项目的负责人,也是悉尼新英格兰成人音乐夏令营的交响乐团协调员和指挥, ME.

In Louisiana, Confredo继续在拉斐特音乐会乐队担任萨克斯管演奏家,并且是阿卡迪亚风交响乐团和skyliner大乐队的随叫随到的替补. She also performs and records with her bassist/guitarist husband, Ralph, in their music studio, Electric Étoufée-dyland. In her spare time, 她和拉尔夫喜欢随着Zydeco和Cajun音乐跳舞,他们经常这样做.

Dr. David Frego 是美国艺术体操协会的创始成员和前任主席,并定期在全球范围内举办Dalcroze艺术体操研讨会. While performing artists of all ages benefit from rhythmic training, eurhythmics in teacher training is an important focus of Dr. Frego’s research.

David Frego has published book chapters, DVDs, books, 并在音乐教育杂志和医学杂志上发表文章. Dalcroze的《乐虎集团》于2021年出版. Marla Butke.

Guest Presenters

Ann C. Kay is the education coordinator for the Rock ‘n’ Read Project, 这是一家致力于通过唱歌来释放儿童阅读和学习潜力的非营利组织. She created A Song a Day: Brain Prep for Pre-Readers, 课程,帮助所有孩子发展基本的音乐技能,使听觉处理, the key to proficient reading. Formerly, Ann was an elementary music teacher, choir director, adjunct instructor of music teachers, and associate director of graduate music education at the University of St. Thomas where she founded, directed, and instructed in the UST Kodály certification program for 18 summers.

Kyle Berkley is a dedicated music educator, with over a decade of experience shaping the musical journey of students. 2014年开始在俄亥俄大学担任兼职声乐和音乐讲师, he transitioned to elementary music in 2019, 目前在西法戈公立学校的鹿溪小学教K-5普通音乐.

In his current role as an elementary music teacher, 凯尔开创了课后音乐课程,并为学生创造了课堂之外的创新表演机会.

Before dedicating his career to elementary music, Kyle made waves as an esteemed opera performer and recitalist, captivating audiences nationwide with his resonant voice. 他的成就中最引人注目的是与美国著名作曲家格温妮丝·沃克(Gwyneth Walker)合作创作了歌曲《乐虎集团》,” which was presented in a touring recital for Black History Month in 2019.

他于2010年毕业于肯特州立大学,获得音乐教育学士学位,并继续在北卡罗来纳大学格林斯博罗分校学习, graduating in 2012.

Follow him on Instagram @mister.b.music

Joe Osowski is the Director of Vocal Music Education at St. Michael – Albertville High School. He holds degrees in Music Education from North Dakota State University.

在STMA高中,奥索夫斯基指导三个课程合奏团和一个课外合奏团. Mr. Osowski is also the conductor of Bring the Sing, 这是一个由明尼苏达古典公共广播电台赞助的社区歌唱活动, Choral Director of the Minnesota Ambassadors of Music, and Director of the Central Choir at Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Christopher Underwood 在北达科他州法戈的华盛顿小学教幼儿园到五年级的音乐,他还指导四年级和五年级的合唱团和手摇编钟合奏团. 他获得了明尼苏达州立大学穆尔黑德分校的Kodaly研究生证书,最近加入了密歇根州立大学Kodaly研究所的教职员工. In addition, 夏季,他在国际音乐夏令营担任中学声乐老师,教授声乐课程, music fundamentals, and leads sectionals. 在华盛顿小学之前,克里斯在西法戈的Lodoen幼儿园中心教音乐. 他继续成长为一名音乐家,同时在法戈-摩尔黑德合唱团表演和学习钢琴.

Christopher在乐虎电子获得音乐教育学士学位,并以优异成绩毕业, 以及MSUM的课程与教学理学硕士学位. He is current member of Organization of American Kodaly Educators (OAKE), the Association of American Educators (AAE), and the National Association for Music Education (NAfME).

Additional Sessions By NDSU Challey School of Music Faculty

Dr. Jeremy Brekke, Associate Professor of Music
Dr. Kelly Burns, Assistant Professor of Music
Dr. Sigurd Johnson, Associate Professor of Music
Dr. Jo Ann Miller, Director of Choral Activities
Dr. Charlette Moe, Associate Professor of Music
Dr. Warren Olfert, Director of Bands
Dr. Matthew Patnode, Professor of Music
Dr. Karisa Templeton, Assistant Professor of Music
Dr. Michael Weber, Associate Director of Choral Activities


  • MUSC 2000 Professional Development Credit
    • 3 Continuing Education Credits | $475 | July 29 – August 2
    • 1 Continuing Education Credit | $160 – 1.5 day option | July 29 – August 2 | 15 hours of instructional time
  • MUSC 790学位合格学分(3个研究生学分,可乐虎集团于M.M.M.E. with NDSU)

Course Requirements/Assignments

  • Synchronous online or face-to-face attendance
  • 每天记录反思,详细记录每天的活动以及它们对教学的益处

Daily Schedule

8 AM – 4:30 PM Monday – Thursday; 8:30 – 11:45 AM Friday

A full summer symposium schedule is coming soon. Please watch this page for updates.


More Information

如欲了解更多有关音乐教育暑期研讨会的资料,请致电 charlette.moe@ospifse.net.

Parking information: NDSU Parking
Summer Housing: Call 701-231-7557