Background Information

As an undergraduate student, 指定一名顾问帮助学生选择他们感兴趣的特定领域的选修课. 对于没有或非常有限的计算机经验的学生,我们提供入门课程. 高级本科生在完成本科课程的同时可能有机会参加研究生课程. 在计算机科学和软件工程的各个方面都有广泛而多样的选修课程.

The Program

Computer Science can be earned as a B.A. or a, a minor and a undergraduate certificate. In addition, 该系与另外两个系合作开设数学和计算机科学双专业, and Physics and Computer Science. An Accelerated Program is available for undergraduates with a 3.5 grade point average or better to complete a B.S. and an M.S. with a target graduation time of five years. In the Accelerated Program, graduate courses taken while an undergraduate student are used for both the B.S. and M.S. degree requirements. Currently, 只有本科证书可以通过校内面对面和在线形式获得.

我们提供该地区最全面和最多样化的计算机科学课程. In the core courses required of all majors, students are offered an opportunity to study concepts, applications and implementation techniques, which provide a broad and practical base both for a satisfying, well-paying career in computer science, and for advanced study. 该课程为深入研究人工智能等主题提供了机会, software engineering, cybersecurity, machine learning, data science, system simulation, computer communication networks, multimedia, operating systems, and database management systems. 该部门正在扩大网络安全、数据科学和软件工程方面的课程. Students are encouraged to choose courses from related areas, such as business, economics, engineering, mathematics and statistics to broaden their program of study. Beginning in the junior year, 学生可以探索带薪实习机会,以扩大他们对课程知识的乐虎集团. 高级顶点经验,为行业提供一个学期的项目是必需的,并作为一个难以置信的机会,在毕业前增加成熟的计算机科学技能集.

Career Opportunities

Computer scientists choose jobs in government, industry, teaching, research, agriculture, energy and other areas. 2019年的一项研究表明,在11个最有增长潜力的工作岗位中,有4个是该部门教授的领域. 计算机科学专业的毕业生可能会选择以下任何一个领域的工作:人工智能, systems analysis, software development/engineering, security, information assurance, cybersecurity, bioinformatics, data science, web development, networking, information system development, database management, technical support, automatic systems, robotics, and internet of things.

According to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, software engineers, cybersecurity analysts, network systems and data scientists / analysts, 计算机科学家和数据库管理员有望成为增长最快的职业. 预计这些计算机专家的就业增长速度将远远快于平均水平. Our programs provide excellent foundations for successful careers in these areas. As an undergraduate student, 你会发现很多在校园里兼职做研究助理的机会, or as a paid intern with a local or regional business.

我们系的毕业生已在包括惠普在内的大型全国性企业就业, IBM, AT&T, Apple, CISCO Systems, Google, Adesto, Cargill, SGI, FAST Enterprises, Medtronic, Microsoft, Bobcat, Facebook, Digi-Key, John Deere, Amazon, Intel, Raytheon, Target Corp. and Thomson Reuters. Many have chosen positions in North Dakota and adjoining states. There is a large and growing need for computer professionals in North Dakota.

在他们大四的最后一个学期,学生们参加了一个顶点项目. 顶点课程的目标是为学生提供一种经验,将他们获得的技术知识结合起来,同时培养宝贵的团队合作技能. This is accomplished by working in small teams on real-life projects. 凯普斯通项目是与企业、工业或政府客户/赞助商共同完成的. Recent sponsors include Adventium, Aeritae Consulting, Appareo, ATC, BargInns, BCBSND, Border States Electric, Botlink, Bushel, Capturis, Collins Aerospace, Fjorge, IBM, Inwerken, John Deere, Marvin Windows, Microsoft, NAU Country, Noridian, OpenStack, Pedigree Technologies, Scheels, and UGPTI.

The Facilities

该部门与信息技术服务部一起位于昆汀伯迪克大楼. Students have free access to a wide range of computer systems.

CS Department equipment includes two clusters of Linux workstations, a number of virtual machines, and Hadoop and Spark analytic systems. Research labs support Windows, Macs, Linux计算机以及各种外围设备,如网络靶场, drones, and 3D printers. 通过获取和实施高带宽网络交换机,本系和大学在计算机网络方面发挥了领导作用. 该大学还加入了一个由六个州组成的联盟,在上中西部地区建立极高水平的网络. 高性能的计算辅助科学技术中心(CCAST)可用于分布式研究项目. 我们也是Internet2的创始成员,并与国家vBNS研究网络相连. 该系维护了许多网络服务器,用于课堂作业和其他信息, which are accessed by thousands of users each day. The University provides more than 1,000 computers in 133 instrumented classrooms, 46 public computer labs, 21个系属实验室及其他由资讯科技署支援的空间. There are 54 GoPrint release stations on campus for student printing. Internet usage is available for all students.

High School Preparation

而新大则为没有机会完成所有大学预科课程的学生提供补习课程, 我们建议在高中选修一些培养逻辑思维能力的课程, to organize, and to analyze (e.g., algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics and calculus). NDSU通过我们的考试学分政策接受一些AP考试的结果来代替大学课程.

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