
视觉和认知神经科学中心 事件

The NDSU CVCN is an active participant in advancing knowledge in visual and cognitive neuroscience. 图的一个目标是拓展. Here is a list of events that we've hosted at NDSU to invite community discussion about the visual and cognitive neurosciences.

Grant Writing Workshop June 27th, 2019 | 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Grant Writing Workshop June 14th, 2018 | 8:00 am-12:20 pm

Paul Casella is a writer, teacher, editor and producer. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College and the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Since 1988 Paul has worked with health professionals to improve the clarity and effectiveness of their manuscripts for publication, 正式的演讲, 拨款申请, 幻灯片, 海报, 视频, 以及其他科学媒体. He was a writer and the primary editor of the funded Great Plains IDeA-CTR grant application. 工作坊内容包括:

1) Writing for Publication--This presentation examines the structures and positions of emphasis in the sentence, 段, and sections of the formal study to help authors authorize their claims. Includes a test of reasoning that authors can apply to the articles they read and the papers they write.

2) Writing Grant Applications--This session reviews the principles of good grant writing to produce clear, 直接, 以及令人信服的提议. Focuses on understanding the psychology of reviewers and the review process, 如何吸引读者并促进理解, 以及如何管理提案的写作过程. 建议提案模板. Includes exercises related to specific elements of a scientific proposal, 特别是“具体目标”页面.

3) Speaking for Success--This course reviews how adults learn as a means to examine effective delivery techniques to engage scientific and clinical peer audiences. Provides practical information on how to deliver powerful oral and PowerPoint presentations in the classroom, 会议室, 礼堂, 在地区或国家会议上.

注册在这里 哈利·D. 麦戈文校友中心-克莱夫斯塔德会议室

Science Café Analyzes Children's Language Development

艾琳·康威尔, 心理学助理教授, 在3月的科学研讨会上, "When getting it wrong means they're getting right: What children's errors tell us about their language skills,星期二, 3月13日, 2012. Children learning to talk often start off fine but then suddenly begin saying things that aren't quite right, 康威尔说. They "holded" the kitten, "goed" to the store and "falled" the book. 父母可能会认为这些错误很可爱, 或者可能引起关注, but language development 研究人员 take them as evidence of a very sophisticated understanding of English. 当孩子犯这样的错误, they are testing the limits of their language and exploring the relationship between words, 规则和含义, 康威尔说.


温迪Troop-Gordon, 心理学助理教授, 在2011年2月的《乐虎集团》杂志上发表了题为, “欺凌:我们知道什么?, 我们是怎么知道的, 以及我们能做什么?“欺凌到底有多普遍? 它是如何发生的?? Who is most at risk and what are the consequences for children's and adolescents' development? Troop-Gordon discussed how 研究人员 study bullying and provided an overview of what investigators have learned, including some of her recent findings from data collected in North Dakota and Minnesota. Discussion focused on what we can do to prevent bullying and help youth who are victimized by peers.


比赛传单On April 6-7, 2006, the NDSU 心理学 Club hosted the 21st Annual Red River 心理学 Conference. Each year the conference rotates among the member institutions of the tri-college community (NDSU, 康科迪亚大学, 和明尼苏达州立大学穆尔黑德分校), and is organized by psychology students at the host institution.

NDSU 心理学 Department Profile Published in the Association for Psychological Science Observer

The 心理学 Department was recently featured in the Association for Psychological Science's publication the Observer. The article describes the department's degree programs and has information on the Fargo area.

2005年客体知觉,注意 & 记忆年会

The Center for Visual Neuroscience at 乐虎电子, 还有Tobii科技公司, 阿灵顿研究, 心理学 软件工具, 心理学会, the Cognitive Science Program at Michigan State University, 认知研究中心 杜克大学神经科学, 以及麻省理工学院的计算视觉认知实验室, 有没有慷慨捐款来支持这个项目 年的OPAM.
OPAM抽象 (*.pdf)


一个奖助金能带来多大的改变啊. 当心理学系拿到了8美元.900万美元的资助,成为生物医学中心 研究 Excellence in visual neuroscience, its reputation took major strides forward. 由美国国立卫生研究院资助 already has helped produce research that’s been trumpeted by the likes of The New York Times, CNN和BBC. 五年 renewable grant helps pay for state-of-the-art equipment like high-density EEG neuroimaging labs and a driving simulator. 然后,加上 我为这个部门感到骄傲, professors suddenly found it a whole lot easier to recruit top graduate students.


The 乐虎电子 Center for Visual Neuroscience (housed in the College of Science and Mathematics, 部门 心理学, and funded by a grant from the NIH/NCRR Center for Biomedical 研究 Excellence program) hosted a half-day 星期五小型会议, 9月16日, 2005年在校友中心, Reimer’s Conference Room adjacent to the North Dakota State 大学校园. 演讲在下午1点开始.m. 演讲嘉宾包括. 罗伯特·戈登(NDSU),博士. 琳达·兰利(NDSU),博士. Chris Kelland Friesen (NDSU),博士. Mark Brady (NDSU),博士. 斯特文森·雷恩维尔(NDSU)博士. Wolfgang Teder-Sälejärvi (NDSU),博士. 丹·克斯顿(美国. 明尼苏达州),博士. Patricia Reuter-Lorenz(美国. 密歇根州),博士. 阿瑟·克莱默(美国. 伊利诺斯州). 约翰·福克斯(纽约市立大学). 演讲 highlighted some of the newest research in visual and cognitive neuroscience by several CVN faculty and by several world-renowned 研究人员.

小型会议小册子 (*.pdf)



The Center for Visual Neuroscience received an invitation from United States Senator
Byron Dorgan to participate in the Upper Great Plains Technology Conference and Trade Show on 10月ober 10 & 11, 2005. WDAY, the local ABC news channel, was there to document the proceedings.




美国农业部的区域主管.S. 卫生与公众服务部
10月. 2004年5月5日,赠送一张象征性的8美元支票.900万给NDSU的研究人员. 乔C.
Nuñez met with faculty members who recently were awarded a five-year, National
Institutes of Health grant to establish a Center for Biomedical 研究 Excellence
(图)的视觉神经科学研究. 当地的福克斯新闻分支机构也在现场

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