HEERF III: ARP Act Grants for Students (Fall 2021-Spring 2022)

2021年3月11日,冠状病毒应对 & Relief Supplemental Appropriations (ARP) Act was signed in to law. Similar to the 在乎 Act passed in March 2020 和 the CRRSA Act passed in December 2020, this act included funding to institutions of higher education, referred to as the Higher Education 紧急 Relief Fund (HEERF).  This fund provides students with grants to offset the unexpected expenses they may have incurred as campus operations were disrupted by the COVID-19 p和emic.

Summary of MINIMUM Student Eligibility Requirements for Block Grants

请注意: Meeting the minimum eligibility requirements does not guarantee a block grant award.
  • The student is enrolled in the Fall 2021 和/or Spring 2022 semester as of the semester census date.
  • 这个学生已经完成了一项 FAFSA 2021-2022学年.
  • The student’s academic load is at least half-time either by credits enrolled at NDSU, total credits enrolled as a Collaborative NDSU student, 或满足经济援助目的(例如.g.、实习).

The eligibility requirements for the ARP Act vary from the criteria that were established for 在乎 和 CRRSA 拨款将于2020年春季和2021年春季发放. The receipt of a 在乎 和/or CRRSA Act grant does not guarantee the receipt of an ARP Act grant.


  • Benefitted employees taking classes that are receiving (or have received in this calendar year) an employee tuition waiver.
  • Students less than half-time as of the semester census date.
  • Students who are non-degree because of being Collaborative or Tri-College students.
  • Spring Only—Students who had their Fall grant check cancelled because it was not cashed/deposited will not receive a Spring disbursement, 正如这表明的那样,没有经济上的需要.


如果您被选中接收ARP法案授予, you will receive an email notifying you of the distribution when the funds are released. Students enrolled in direct deposit will have their funds delivered directly to their bank accounts. Students not enrolled in direct deposit will have a paper check mailed to their home address in 校园连接. Uncashed checks may be cancelled at the discretion of the University.

警告:  Please be aware that the distribution of the ARP Act grant funds may bring forward scams targeting college students. If you receive an email that appears to be from NDSU but are unsure that it is legitimate, please contact NDSU 一站 at (701) 231-6200 for verification.

HEERF III学生基金报告要求


Block grants (discussed above) are awarded based on a pre-determined formula 和 do not require an application from the student; preference is given to Pell grant recipients. 其他奖助金包括:

  1. 紧急情况: Available to students that were not eligible to receive the Block grant. 看到 学生应急基金 了解更多信息.
  2. 特殊情况: Students impacted by COVID deemed to be eligible based on financial aid professional judgement protocols




What are the eligibility requirements for the Block grant?

Minimum eligibility requirements are as listed below.

  • The student is enrolled in the Fall 2021 和/or Spring 2022 semester as of the semester census date.
  • 这个学生已经完成了一项 FAFSA 2021-2022学年.
  • The student’s academic load is at least half-time either by credits enrolled at NDSU, total credits enrolled as a Collaborative NDSU student, 或满足经济援助目的(例如.g.、实习).
提醒! Meeting the minimum eligibility requirements does not guarantee receipt of a grant.


Multiple offices within NDSU worked together to develop a formula to, 尽可能公平合理, 根据各种因素分配资金, giving preference to students with the greatest financial need (e.g. 佩尔助学金资格). 


Students that received a Block grant may receive a 特殊情况下s grant but not an 紧急 grant.


是的, FAFSA is required for the Block 和 特殊情况下s grants. However, the FAFSA is not required for the 紧急 grant.




下降: 对大多数学生来说是九月下旬
春天: 2月下旬

My parents are paying my tuition 和 other school expenses. 他们会收到拨款吗?

No, 所有助学金将直接拨给学生或学生, 如果请求, 会乐虎集团到他们的学生账户吗.


是的. However, the amount of funding available has yet to be determined. Students should not assume that the grant received in the fall will be the same in the spring. 


The check will be cancelled 和 the funds redistributed. 此外,你可能没有资格获得未来的资助.

Will this grant impact my financial aid for next semester/year?

No. Aid received by victims of an emergency by either a federal or state entity for purposes of providing financial relief will not be counted as income for the calculation of Expected Family Contribution (EFC).

Will the grant appear on my 1098-T tuition tax statement?



Please consult a tax professional for a conclusive answer, 然而, 截至5月7日, 2020 the IRS stated that HEERF grant funds should not be included in an individual’s gross income.