Last Date of Academic Activity or Attendance

Instructors will receive requests for LDA by email from 金融援助 and 奖学金 each semester. If there are multiple instructors listed on the course, all instructors will be contacted; only one instructor needs to respond. Please respond to the request by email within 1 week of the initial request. Failure to respond could result in the student's loss of federal financial aid.

注意: Feel free to forward requests to teaching/grad assistants for LDA reporting. They may report LDA directly to 金融援助 and 奖学金 on your behalf.

The purpose of the LDA request is to comply with federal regulation which requires the student have academic activity or attendance with regard to the federal financial aid they have/will received. There are multiple situations that require an LDA request:

  • 单疗程退出
  • Complete withdrawal from the University
  • Suspension or expulsion from the University
  • 学生死亡


Last Date of Academic Activity or Attendance (LDA) is the last date the student attended your course or completed one of the following:

  • Submission of an academic assignment
  • Examination, interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction
  • 研究小组
  • Participation in on-line discussion board about academic matters
  • Initiation of contact with instructor to ask question about academic subject

请注意: Logging in to 黑板上 to access notes or the syllabus, telephone correspondence or emailing the instructor asking to make up assignments or quizzes does 不 符合出席资格.

Instructors are not required to take attendance, so relevant coursework in most cases is enough to validate LDA.  If the instructor is not able to validate LDA with attendance records or relevant coursework, please respond indicating the student had no attendance.  

Why is providing LDA information important?

It is very important correct information is reported in a timely manner as it has a direct impact on the amount of federal financial aid the student is eligible for.  Please respond to the initial request within 1 week of receipt.  Failure to provide a response in a timely manner may cause processing delays, 滞纳金, and other negative consequences for the student.  Failure to respond could result in the student's loss of federal financial aid.

请注意: Feel free to forward requests to teaching/grad assistants for LDA reporting.  They may report LDA directly to 金融援助 and 奖学金 on your behalf.

我有一个问题. 我该联系谁??

If you have a question about the LDA request you received, please contact the following staff members: